What We Do


ADVOCATES ACVPN is duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission CAC, Lagos State Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, a member organization with International Human rights Protection Service  both Florida USA, and Nigeria Chapter FCT and Lagos State.
Advocates ACVPN partners such as Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation WAPA FCT and Lagos, NAPTIP, Nigeria Police Force both Force Head Quarters and all the 36 State Police Command across Nigeria, to help put a stop to child abuse, domestic violence and gender inequality at all levels in our society.
Advocates ACVPN  helps in educating and training individuals and organisations on the harm of child molestation, gender inequality and every form of abuse. With the assistance from partners in the Nigeria such as the Civil Defence, Immigration, all Para Military Organization across Nigeria, Lagos State Ministry of Information and Strategy, Ministry of Education, State Universal Basic Education SUBEB, Red Cross, Media Organizations both Electronic an Print media we have helped to enlighten individual on the issue of security and human trafficking.

Our Services


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When it comes to child abuse, ACVPN has zero tolerance  for it.  We go all out to ensure the minor rescued, gets justices  by ensuring the perpetrators are brought to book. 

We also assist the abused to get all required treatments  to help them heal and manage their situation as best as we can.

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Our society at large helps encourage inequality and they are mostly based on illogical ideologies.

ACVPN refuses to stand with unfounded beliefs, we rather stand by the law, which says every human has fundamental rights. We refuse to belief that any gender should be treated less or inferior and help seek redress in situations of gender inequality. 

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ACVPN doesn’t condone domestic violence and we do not limit it to only one gender. We help rescue who ever is abused and hand over the abuser to the authority. We also ensure that the abused gets justices and settle back into the society

When it comes to domestic violence, survivor integration is of utmost importance to us. 

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Society has place certain person in positions where it is easy for others to take undue advantage of them and cause harm physically or/and psychologically to them.

ACVPN says no to such. We stand to ensue the laws of the land are obeyed and  no one is harmed, maltreated or taken undue advantage of without getting justices.

Have a look at our cases!